The Motherline Story

from founder Catherine Johnsen

I can’t remember not having skin trouble.

Eczema. Adult acne. Dermatitis.

I spent years desperately looking for quality, clean skincare products. But came up empty.

To make things worse, as an adult I found out I had a diseased thyroid.

With high-maintenance skin and an uncooperative thyroid, I was at the end of my rope. Then I heard about Anthony William’s ideas about avoiding troublemaking foods and adding whole raw fruits, vegetables, and herbs to your diet. I’d try anything. So that's what I did: I tried.

And the light bulb flipped on. Maybe light bulb is too subtle. The floodlight. And it was this:

Simply shifting my diet to whole foods healed my body more than any prescription ever had. 

Right around the same time, my friend Wayne noticed I had a terrible burn (hit the dancefloor a little too hard at my nephew's wedding) and gave me this homemade salve to help.

And did it ever. My burn healed. Fast. Having searched everywhere for high quality, clean skin products, imagine my delight when I found out his salve was all natural,

nothing but earth!

I kept asking Wayne for more and more—it was changing my skin and my family’s skin for the better. Finally he asked me, “Do you want to do something with this?”

Now, this is as good a time as any to tell you: Wayne’s not just some neighbor. He’s a real deal, all-natural formulations chemist who’s worked in everything from medicine and skincare to household cleaners and hair extensions. He’s been doing this for a long time and takes a ton of pride in creating the best possible products that will help improve people’s health.

So that’s the Wayne who asked me if I was interested in doing something with this balm.

I never set out to create a skincare product. But I couldn’t deny what felt like an inspired collision of so many things: a life-changing experience with the power of Mother earth’s natural offerings, my search for better skin, and now Wayne’s salve. It was undeniable.

So we got to work and—through extensive trial and error with so many iterations to make sure it’s antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and produces collagen—we finally landed on the balm we are so happy to call Motherline today.

And skincare's just the beginning. Our mission is to nourish the skin, body, and soul. Stay tuned.

Why Motherline?

When we say “nothing but earth” we mean it literally.
Our proprietary blend is nothing but 12 naturally-sourced, organic plants and beeswax—cold-pressed, unprocessed, unadulterated.

Those 12 organic elements give you a nourishing balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates—all working synergistically to produce collagen to help heal your skin, bones, and white tissue.

The result? Deep-moisturized glowy (yes, glowy) skin.

Oh, and it’s gluten-free, grain-free, soy-free, and anything-you-wouldn’t-naturally-find-in-the-earth-free.

MOTHERLINE chooses to give back to mothers, we donate and support initiatives and programs that empower single mothers.
