Remember a few years ago? When it seemed like everyone was suddenly adhering to Marie Kondo's KonMari Method™, decluttering their lives and keeping only the things that "spark joy"? Marie Kondo's philosophy about tidying up had people resetting their lives, what they surrounded themselves with, their homes, their rooms, and more.

I was onboard too. I donated at least 3-4 boxes of books that I'd lugged with me through two different moves to Goodwill. 

Minimalism is nothing new, of course. Marie Kondo didn't invent it. Neither did the art of Frank Stella & Sol LeWitt in the '50s, though the movement was called minimalist. It's been around, in some form, for ages. Some minimalists say you shouldn't have more than a dozen pieces of furniture (ambitious! And totally undoable for me, sorry). Other minimalists reduce their wardrobe to just black. The point being to reduce things down to the essentials.

Author Greg McKeown's book Essentialism boils it down to "the disciplined pursuit of less." I would guess most of us have heard the term "less is more."

So why am I talking to you about Marie Kondo and Frank Stella and Essentialism? Well, it's a New Year and that typically means New Year's resolutions and goals. And one of those could be minimalism, essentialism, a reducing down of life to what matters most. 

(Here's where I turn the corner to Motherline and skincare.)

Most of the women I know have entire bathroom cabinets (sometimes even closets) dedicated to their pursuit of better skin, full of all kinds of trial & error products. We try this. We try that. We spend so much time trying to find some elusive, near-mythical combination of products to help us look (and feel) the way we want to look (and feel). I know I've tried more than my fair share of products. Which is why I started Motherline.

It's minimalist. It's essentialist. And it can replace (and upgrade) so many of the products crowding your bathroom drawers. For me, that means Motherline replaces all the following: 

  • Eye cream (day)
  • Eye cream (night)
  • Day serum
  • Night serum
  • Probiotic topical 
  • Collagen cream
  • Fine line corrector cream 
  • Anti-aging cream 
  • Acne treatment 
  • Brightening cream
  • Overall moisturizer 
  • Anti-inflammatory topicals
  • Micronutrient serum
  • Vitamin A, Complex B, C, E & K serums

That's 14 bottles or containers right there! All consolidated into what Motherline liquid gold spray and balm can do for your skin. We can back this all up with real results, but we can back them up with the vitamins, minerals, nutrients and capabilities of our all-natural ingredient list.

To put it simply: Motherline sparks joy (and better skin).

[Full disclosure: I still have some crucial non-Motherline things on-hand in my cabinet. Exfoliant and daily sunscreen, for instance. Those are non-negotiable. Essentials, even. At Motherline, we'll never tell you our skincare products do things that they don't. Promise.] 

Here's to a fabulous 2024, whatever your goals (or dreams) may be.

- Catherine

More about the science behind Motherline

Your Skin Cares What You Eat. A Lot.

What you eat significantly affects your skin health. The good news is: eating some really delicious things can yield some really delicious results.
